Pamela Rae Newsletter

Five Love Languages
Know how to show someone love.

I didn’t know my x-husband’s love language.  I didn’t know there was such a thing.  No matter what I did he did not feel loved by me.  Turned out we both had different love languages and needed to express that love in that person’s love language, not our own.  How does that work?  If a person’s love language is Receiving Gifts and yours is Physical Touch, giving gifts will show that person love, and giving you a hug will show you love.  If you give love in your love language and it is not that person’s love language, it doesn’t work.

Words of Affirmation
Words spoken make them feel loved.

Acts of Service
Need to be shown love instead of just words.

Receiving Gifts
Being given gifts makes them feel loved.

Quality Time
Getting undivided attention makes them feel loved.

Physical Touch
Appropriate touch makes this person feel loved.


Discover Your Love Language for yourself or your child at


Book:  The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

