I took a stress class.  I learned a few things.  Thought I would share it with you!

What is stress?  Stress is your body's response to demand (good or bad). When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine to prepare the body for physical action.  This is good if you are running a race but experiencing stress on a regular basis (chronic stress) is damaging.

‎Signs of stress:  memory loss, confusion, lack of concentration, appetite changes, sleep pattern changes, libido changes, pain, hair loss, behavior changes, bizarre dreams, eyelid twitches.

What should you know about stress?

Stress doesn’t go away, it must be managed.

Keep a Stress Journal to figure out what stresses you out (called triggers or stressors) and why.

How to manage stress:

Eliminate Stressors:  change what you can control. 

Manage Stress:  manage what you cannot control by adding stress management activities to your life.

Stress Management Activities:

Relaxation techniques

Religious practices (prayer and meditating on scripture helps me)

Self awareness:  know the signs of stress for you and employ the stress management activities as early as possible

Exercise (30 minutes a day)

Socialize – community,

Take breaks

Eat Healthy

Healthy sleep habits


Recognize and accept your limitations – stop pushing yourself

For more information:





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